Halawa Pepper

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Size: 5 gr/pcs

100% pepper with additional probiotic

ISO 22000:2005 (food savety management)
HAS 23000 (halal assurance system)
ISO 14001 (environment management)
OHSAS 18001 (health and security)

Halawa Pepper powder is a substitute for conventional pepper powder.

Halawa Pepper powder is made from high quality natural pepper seeds which are harvested from plantations that are kept natural and free from pesticides. The selected seeds are then processed and made into pepper powder, then added with probiotics to enrich the composition of Halawa Pepper powder as a healthy pepper powder product.

Halawa Pepper powder is 100% pure pepper of choice with the best quality to reach the highest quality of pepper aroma. This makes Halawa Pepper powder much lovedĀ  because of its spiciness.